Boost Mobile Switch Jam Highlights | 2019 Dew Tour Long Beach

2019-11-11 15

Watch the best tricks from the Boost Mobile Switch Jam highlights video from 2019 Dew Tour Long Beach in the above.

For a second year in a row, 10 invited skateboarders were allowed 30 minutes to bust out as many switch tricks as they could for cash in the Boost Mobile Switch Jam. This year’s switch jam features included a Boost Mobile light switch box up ledge with a pole jam placed in the middle, 8-stair with handrails on either side, and a out ledge featuring another pole jam off the 8-stair. When all said and done, skaters who landed switch tricks walked away with cash, but only one winner would take the whole enchilada of $5,000. That winner came out to be Chris “Cookie” Colbourn.

Featured skaters: Tommy Fynn, Ivan Monteiro, TJ Rogers, Nick Merlino, Carlos Ribeiro, Micky Papa, and Chris Colbourn

Music: @slamjamrecords @scatterbrainband